Thursday 23 May 2019

Costco Corp. (COST): Finding Opportunity in Five Minutes or Less

Our FREE video shows how wave clarity is the first step to identifying a high-probability trade set-up.

By Elliott Wave International

Our chart of Costco Wholesale Corporation as of March 12. If today was March 12, could you assess within five minutes where this popular stock was headed next?
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Maybe you'd go directly to a "news-based" analysis for guidance. There, you'd find conflicting reports about the company's future growth, as captured in these headlines from the time:
  • Costco is Bearish: "Valuation Does Not Reflect the Risks: Costco" (March 11
  • Costco is Bullish: "Costco Stock is Still Rising After Earnings and It Has Room to Grow" (March 12 Barron's)
  • Costco is back to being Bearish: "Why This Stock is Considered to Be Overbought? Costco Wholesale Corp." (March 11 Wall Street Morning)
After skimming those articles, you'd come away with zero new clarity about Costco's price trend.
Next, you try your hand at technical analysis, even Elliott wave analysis. You broaden your scope to include every relevant time frame, from weekly to hourly to even 1-minute charts -- all to determine where current price action fits in the larger structure.
And then... BEEP! Five minutes have passed but you haven't even begun to label the chart.
So, what's the lesson? That it's impossible to fully assess a market within five minutes?
No, just the opposite. As our Trader's Classroom editor Jeffrey Kennedy explains: The strongest market forecasts are got by with ease, alacrity, and clarity. In his March 12 Trader's Classroom video lesson "Tips on Counting Waves," Jeffrey offers this approach to analyzing price charts:
"Lean back, take a breath and relax. Look at the movement of prices. If the wave pattern isn't clear, don't trade it.
In his video lesson, Jeffrey puts his method to the test on the same price chart we just showed of Costco Wholesale Corporation. He pauses the video on the chart and identifies the most probable wave count, pictured below: a double zigzag A-B-C-X-A-B-C, followed by an impulsive set of one's and two's. The next move on hand was a powerful third wave rally. In Jeffrey's own words:
"If this wave count is correct, we will continue to see prices moving higher, ultimately beyond the high of 243.92. I think this is a very solid interpretation and I hope you label the price chart as such."
Costco Wholesale Corporation
In all, Jeffrey's analysis, labeling and forecast took four minutes! And, as the next chart shows, Costco followed Jeffrey's outlook to a T, with shares soaring "beyond the high of 243.92" to a fresh record on April 1.
Costco Wholesale Corporation
In his 25 years of studying and teaching Elliott wave analysis, Jeffrey observes that 60-80% of market price action unfolds in five core Elliott wave patterns. These patterns are clear, and don't require an in-depth understanding of wave machinations -- all which eat traders' precious time.
Jeffrey's March 12 Trader's Classroom video "Tips on Counting Waves" shows you exactly how to identify these core patterns on the price charts of real, household name stocks -- including today's Costco example. The other markets are: WPX Energy, Inc (WPX), Dow DuPont, Inc (DWDP), Citrix Systems, Inc (CTXS), and Bank of America Corp. (BAC).
Right now, Club EWI members can have instant, no-cost access to Jeffrey's "Tips on Counting Waves" video lesson via a new Club resource titled "Discover 5 Reliable Setups in Just 26 Minutes." Get your free lesson now..
This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Costco Corp. (COST): Finding Opportunity in Five Minutes or Less. EWI is the world's largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts led by Chartered Market Technician Robert Prechter provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.

Friday 17 May 2019

War! Good or Bad for Stocks?

Take a look at stock market behavior in times of war... and peace

By Bob Stokes

After the U.S. recently announced new sanctions against Iran, tensions have escalated between the two countries.
USA Today reported (May 7):
The Pentagon is rushing additional military muscle, including B-52 bombers, to the Middle East to counter Iranian threats to U.S. troops on the ground and at sea.
Of course, it's always best when military conflict can be avoided because as U.S. President Abraham Lincoln said in an 1864 speech:
War at the best, is terrible ...
How true. Yet, shifting to the financial arena, what can stock market investors expect during times of war? Is war also "terrible" for market participants?
Some market observers believe so and argue that war diverts resources from productive enterprise. Others posit that war is good for stocks and the economy because the government forks over big money to companies to produce war materials.
So, who has the winning argument?
Well, among many countries in the world, the U.S. has been fortunate to have not had an international military conflict on its soil in the 20th century. If it did, the outcome for the U.S. economy and stock market may have been different. But as it stands, we looked at the path of U.S. stock prices during World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War to see if we could find any consistent correlations.
These four charts from Robert Prechter's 2017 book The Socionomic Theory of Finance show you what our research revealed:
Figure 12 shows a time of war when stock prices (normalized for inflation) rose, then fell; Figure 13 shows a time when they fell, then rose; Figure 14 shows a time when they rose throughout; and Figure 15 shows a time when they fell throughout the hottest half (1965-1975) of a twenty-year conflict. Who wins the war doesn't seem to matter. A group of allies won World War I as stock values reached fourteen-year lows; and nearly the same group of allies won World War II as stock values neared fourteen-year highs.
In other words, no consistent correlation was found between the performance of the stock market and war.
But, how about during times of peace?
Here are two more charts from The Socionomic Theory of Finance:
Figure 16 provides an example from the 1920s in which stock prices seemingly benefited from peaceful times. The Dow rose over 500% in just eight years as peace mostly reigned around the globe.
Figure 17, however, shows that in the three years immediately thereafter, peace likewise mostly reigned around the globe yet stock prices fell more than they had risen in the preceding eight years!
So, despite assumptions to the contrary, the evidence shows that there's no consistent relationship between U.S. stock prices and peace -- or war.
For other widespread beliefs about the stock market that are simply not supported by the evidence, see our free report, "Market Myths Exposed".

Monday 6 May 2019

When the Uber-Wealthy Bash the Wealth Gap, It's Time to Worry

By Murray Gunn

Multi-billionaire hedge fund manager Ray Dalio recently published a 7500-word call to reform American capitalism. Noting that the nation's wealth gap is the "highest since the 1930s," Dalio wrote that rather than distributing income equally, capitalism is "producing self-reinforcing spirals up for the haves and down for the have-nots" which "pose existential threats to the United States," and amount to a "national emergency."
Parts of Dalio's message sound eerily close to another article authored by another uber-successful capitalist, John J. Raskob. In his piece "Everybody Aught to Be Rich," Raskob writes:
"A man is rich when he has an income which is sufficient to support him and his family in a decent and comfortable manner. That amount of prosperity aught to be attainable by anyone. ... It is quite true that wealth is not so evenly distributed."
Incredibly, Raskob's piece was published 90 years ago in the July 31 issue of Ladies' Home Journal -- in the year 1929! The two men's ideas on how to reconcile their generation's income inequality couldn't be more different. But they share one important commonality -- each sounds the alarm about wealth disparity. And throughout history, that warning has signaled an end to the boom that begot the very wealth disparity in dispute. Case in point, the year of Raskob's article -- 1929 -- saw the greatest stock market peak to date and subsequent period of wealth destruction known as the Great Depression.
This chart shows how broad the wealth gap has become in not just the U.S., but also across the pond in the U.K. It divides each country's stock market by average earnings. In 2019, it takes the average U.S. citizen 123 hours of labor to buy one S&P share. In the U.K., it's 305 hours to buy one share of the FTSE All-Share Index.
The chart also shows how the greater the wealth gap becomes, the closer the instrument of that wealth -- the stock market -- gets to significant peaks. Note the last two times when hours needed to buy one share reached a similar extreme. The first time was in 1999-2000. That year marked the peak in both measures, when it took 407 hours for the average Brit to buy one share of the FTSE All-Share and 108 hours for an American worker to buy one share of the S&P 500. That period also saw a wave of Dalio-esque rebukes of capitalism with a raft of articles like "New Politics of Inequality" (Sept. 22 NYT), "Globalization Widens Rich-Poor Gap" (July 13 NYT), and a 1999 United Nations report warning "the world is heading toward grotesque inequalities, neither sustainable nor worth sustaining."  In November 1999, we cited the "growing gulf between haves and have-nots" as a profound signal of a boom cycle nearing its end and wrote:
"A bear market is nature's way of redistributing wealth, but apparently, at a trend change as big as this one, people just cannot wait to get in there and lend a hand."
Two months later, the bubble bust and the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 40%, 2-year long bear market.
The second extreme in hours needed to buy one share came near peak territory in 2006-7. Again, main street cited corporate America's failures, as the widening wealth gap became a "chasm" and social media became a soap box for anti-capitalist rebukes:
"Wealth Gap Has Widened More than 50%" (August 29 CNN Money)
"Haves and Have-Nots: Income Inequality in America" (Feb. 5 NPR)
"The Rich, the Poor and the Growing Gap Between Them" (June 15 Economist)
By year's end, the December 2006 Elliott Wave Financial Forecast went on bearish red alert and said:
The timing of the last wealth disparity alarm makes a more important point. They tend to arrive at big peaks." (See the full commentary here.)
Two months later, the KBW Bank Index peaked, heralding in the global financial meltdown -- in October 2007 came the deepest stock market decline since the Great Depression. At the February 2009 bottom, the hours-work-per-share in the U.S. and U.K. dropped to 184 and 39 respectively.
Today, the lint of acrimony over the widening gulf between the 1% and everyone else is smoldering once again, as these 2019 headlines evince:
"America's 1% Hasn't Controlled This Much Wealth Since Before the Great Depression" (Feb. 24 MarketWatch)
"Wealth Inequality is Way Worse Than You Think" (Feb. 29 Forbes)
"Richest 1% on Target to Own Two-Thirds of All Wealth by 2030" (April 7 The Guardian)
But as Dalio himself observed: "Most everything happens over and over again through history, and by observing and thinking through these patterns, one can better understand how reality works and acquire timeless and universal principles for dealing with it better." I couldn't agree more. Dalio himself is both observer and part of the boom-bust pattern underway now, one in which I fully anticipate the concerns over inequality to disappear as the playing field becomes inexorably leveled.
Follow this link to read our previous commentary on the wage gap and stock market peaks, published just months before the 2007-2008 financial crisis began.